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Snuggle up and sparkle

The weeks around Bonfire Night are some of the cosiest in the year. So if you're hosting the pre-fireworks party this year, why not add a splash of autumn colour to your lounge or garden with our warm hues of orange, sprinkles of cinnamon, or indulgent chestnut tints. It's a surefire way to take that snuggly feeling to the next level.

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Hosting a party on the go

Organizing an outdoor gathering in winter comes with its chills, but fret not! With our snug heating pads, warmth and coziness accompany you wherever the party's at. Whether nestled on a park bench in the city or amidst a pristine winter landscape with friends: our heating pads add that comfy touch, ensuring the cold never dulls the merriment.

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Hosting a garden party

Don’t let winter’s chill cast a spell on your garden soirees! With Stoov heating pads at your service, your garden transforms into a cozy haven of warmth, even as the evening air turns crisp. The perfect companion for your terrace and outdoor furniture while watching the fireworks display.

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Hosting a (dinner)party

Hosting some festive hours together with friends? The ambiance, good food, and togetherness are warm, but a Stoov makes it warmer. It's the essential addition to keep everyone cozy while enjoying a drink or a meal. Set some heating cushions down on the dinner chairs or loungers for them: Share the warmth, share the fun!

Taking extra care of your animal friends

As the sky lights up with fireworks and celebrations abound, it's crucial to ensure our furry companions are comfy and cozy. Amidst the festivities, carve out a serene, warm haven for your pet with the Woov. It's their very own snug spot to retreat to,

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Feeling the warmth from our customers

With 10.000+ reviews of enthusiastic Stoov® fans.