Stoov® & ForestNation

Stoov® plants green heroes



Since this year, Stoov® has been collaborating with ForestNation, a sustainable, for-profit company. This great collaboration was established through the transport company Shypple. They ensure the supply of our products from abroad.

ForestNation offers products and services that connect ecological, social and commercial goals. The company empowers individuals and organizations to reforest the planet and reconnect with nature. A great match for Stoov®!

We are currently planting ten (fruit) trees in Tanzania at a time, which already offset one ton of CO2 in the first five years. The trees are planted on local people's farms and near schools. Normally it takes fifty years for one tree to compensate for one ton of CO2, but we are happy to make an extra contribution. By planting ten trees at the same time, we have removed our own CO2 emissions from the atmosphere in a relatively short time. After the five years of compensating, the trees are of course not immediately cut down: the more years of life, the more compensation for other CO2 emissions. A nice extra!

If you have any questions about the sustainability program, please contact us via the website.