Our impact report

We warm people, not the planet. And that is why we are aware of our impact, which we tell you more about in this report.

5 insights from our impact report

Our first impact report is here! This report tells you about what we have done last year to maximise our positive impact on the world around us. How do we save water? And why is our technology efficient? Below we have listed 5 interesting facts from our impact report.

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1. Payback period: 1 year and 8 months

With our products, you warm yourself instead of the space around you, and by turning down your heating, you avoid CO2 emissions! By doing so, you offset the emissions caused by producing, transporting and charging your Stoov product. On average, it takes 1 year and 8 months for the emissions caused to outweigh the avoided emissions, allowing you to make positive impact by using your product!

2. Heating lowered by 2 degrees

A survey we conducted among our customers showed that people turn down their thermostat by an average of 2 degrees when using their Stoov. The power of Stoov therefore lies in smart heating and thereby saving energy

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3. Eight SDG's

The United Nations' "sustainable development goals" are a well-known framework for a better future. Our impact strategy contributes directly and indirectly to 8 of the 17 goals.

4. Efficient technology

Our Homey is 4x more efficient than a traditional hot water bottle. Did you know that it takes 4 times more energy to boil water with a kettle than to charge our Homey electric hot water bottle? The Homey is stylish, warm and efficient!

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5. rPET

We switched to the recycled material rPET for both the inside of our products and the majority of our covers. As a result, per product we save:

  • 34.2 litres of water
  • 0.7 kWh of energy
  • 2.6 KG of plastic

Are you curious?

Then read the full report here.