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2021 a big year for Stoov

Stoov's goals & resolutions for 2021

This year Stoov is there to keep you warm. Just like everyone else, we have new year's resolutions and goals and we'd love to share. Stoov’s focus is on sustainability without compromising on style and comfort. We are well on the way, but we want to do even better in 2021. So we are here to share our goals for the upcoming year:

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An RPET fabric line

RPET is a material made from recycled PET bottles. These are plastic bottles, such as a soft drink bottles which would normally go to landfill. All Stoov inner covers are made of this. In 2021 we want to develop a line in which the outer covers are also made entirely of RPET material to make our products even more sustainable!

An (even) more sustainable journey to your front door

We prefer not to use plastic when packaging your Stoov. Is plastic being used? Then it’s recyclable or compostable. We also pack it as efficiently as possible, so that the package takes up little space in the van. In 2021 we will research how this can be done even more efficiently, so that the journey to your front door is as sustainable and effiecient as possible.

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Make you happier!

Good to hear, isn't it? Customer satisfaction is always on our mind. This year we will do our best to make you even happier!

Launch new products

We continuously innovate and develop. The trends are closely followed and we work together with high quality producers. In 2021 we want to launch a number of new products that suit your needs and are stylish. Insured of good quality and with a focus on sustainability, you are used to from us.

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The perfect solution to outdoor heating

We hope that in 2021, when the terraces are open again, Stoov will become a replacement for the patio heaters. Heaters are terrible for the environment. For example, if you leave 10 heaters on every evening on a terrace for six months, you will consume a lot of energy. It is roughly equivalent to the CO2 emissions for the energy consumption of an average household for 2 years. Stoov is a much cosier and sustainable solution to outdoor heating.

Do you want to know what we currently are doing on sustainability?