Saving energy tips: stay warm while minimising costs

Saving energy tips: stay warm while minimising costs

With gas prices on the rise, it can be a challenge to stay warm without overusing your heating, while saving energy at home. But don't worry, there are simple steps you can take to save on your gas bill without having to get Frosty. Maximise comfort while minimising heating costs with these tips. 


Small change, big saving

Save big on your gas bill by turning down your heat just one degree. On average you’ll save 7% in energy costs, that's about €160 - enough for a front row concert ticket! Go for 2 degrees and free up even more cash for other things.

More about saving energy at home


3 saving energy tips

Get cosy while saving money on heating. Check out our tips for a warm and happy home on a budget!


1. Snuggle up against your Stoov®

Ditch the central heating and opt for a Stoov® infrared heated cushion. It warms you instead of the space around you. It's energy-efficient, portable, and will keep you toasty warm anywhere.


2. Heat smart

Only heat what you need. Which is you! But if you really do need the central heating, only heat the rooms you're using and set the temperature one or two degrees lower than usual to save on energy costs.


3. Seal the deal on drafts

Drafts can really cool down your warm, cozy home and drive up your energy bills. Keep the cold air out by properly insulating your doors and windows. Check for drafts regularly and install draught strips if needed. Don't let the warmth escape, enjoy a comfortable home while saving on energy costs.


Give these saving energy tips a try and watch the savings pile up on your energy bill!